31 December 2009

Appeal From Decani Monastery

A Loving Appeal for the Decani Monastery Relief Fund


School Children in Kosovo Freeze

By Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes

President of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund USA

December 2009

Beloved Friends in Christ our Lord,

May the great peace and joy of our Lord God always be with you!

Once again Kosovo faces a humanitarian crisis, yet another horrific freezing winter, typically ten to twenty degrees below zero for several months.

This year is different because of an electricity problem which makes the freezing conditions even more challenging to the Serbian population in Kosovo/Metohija.

The new independent government is now charging their Serbian customers 29 Euros a month, and incredibly large percentage of their monthly income. If seventy percent of a Serbian village in Kosovo doesn’t pay their bill the whole village will have their electricity turned off.

Schools and the homes of the Serbian population therefore face a problem unlike any other year in recent memory. Putting aside of the question of a permanent solution to the energy crisis in the region of Kosovo/Metohija we offer a partial short term answer for this winters heating crisis. Many buildings and homes in the region have wood stoves, and, as we all know, wood and fire wood have been in short supply for many decades.

Here is what we can do for these suffering people! We can help provide heated school buildings for Serbian children by supplying fire wood to the four schools we support as well as the homes that these children live in.

Send a donation of your choice to the Decani Monastery Relief Fund designating your donation to: Firewood for Schools in Kosovo:

God love and bless you!

Humbly in Christ our Lord,

+Very Rev. Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
President of the Decani Monastery Relief Fund Inc. USA

"From this day, from this hour, from this minute, let us strive to love God above all, and fulfill His holy will." -St. Herman of Alaska
